
L8106_16949 homologs family


Homologs of the L8106_16949 protein in CCY9616.
Some similarity with MpeU and CpeF.

Showing only sure genes

Gene Locus tag Genbank Species Strain PBP in rods Pigment type Remark Length Last change
L8106_16949 homologs family L8106_16949 ZP_01620421.1 Lyngbya aestuarii CCY9616 (PCC8106/CCY8106) PC 1 419 09-26-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family MicvaDRAFT_3571 ZP_08493473.1 Microcoleus vaginatus FGP-2 PC 1 430 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family OSCI_1070009 ZP_07109619.1 Oscillatoria sp. PCC6506 (PCC9029/ATCC29081 /UTEX 1547) PC 1 452 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family N9414_05274 ZP_01629849.1 Nodularia spumigena CCY9414 PC 1 437 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family Npun_F1530 YP_001865162.1 Nostoc punctiforme ATCC29133 (PCC73102) PC+PEI 2 432 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Tery_0072 YP_720054.1 Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 PC+PEI 442 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family all0605 NP_484649.1 Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. PCC7120 PC+PEC 398 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family Ava_4537 YP_325030.1 Anabaena variabilis ATCC29413 (PCC7937) PC+PEC 400 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family Cyan8802_3638 YP_003139288.1 Cyanothece sp. PCC8802 PC 1 395 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family PCC8801_2470 YP_002372635.1 Cyanothece sp. PCC8801 PC+PEI 2 395 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family CwatDRAFT_4661 ZP_00515205.1 Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 PC+PEI 377 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family FJSC11DRAFT_0884 ZP_08984678.1 Fischerella sp. (Mastigocladus laminosus) JSC-11 PC+PEC 404 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family Cyan7822_3567 YP_003888783.1 Cyanothece sp. PCC7822 PC+PEI 2 391 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family NIES39_H00170 BAI90942.1 Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis NIES-39 PC 1 410 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family PCC7424_1681 YP_002376985.1 Cyanothece sp. PCC7424 PC+PEI 2 388 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family LYNGBM3L_62310 ZP_08431195.1 Lyngbya majuscula 3L PC+PEI 2 397 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family MC7420_2776 ZP_05030778.1 Microcoleus chthonoplastes PCC7420 PC+PEC 398 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family CY0110_30523 ZP_01730379.1 Cyanothece sp. CCY0110 PC 1 381 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family AmaxDRAFT_3716 ZP_03274892.1 Arthrospira (Spirulina) maxima CS-328 PC 1 414 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family cce_2919 YP_001804333.1 Cyanothece sp. ATCC51142 PC 1 377 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family MAE_60750 YP_001661089.1 Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843 PC 1 396 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family IPF_2545 CAO87418.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 PC 1 396 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family AM1_2983 YP_001517295.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017 (AM1) PC 1 395 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family SYNPCC7002_A1619 YP_001734865.1 Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 PC 1 393 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family S7335_5516 ZP_05039071.1 Synechococcus sp. PCC7335 PC+PEI CA3 439 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family GL6909_2003 Gloeothece sp. PCC6909/1 PC+PEI 2 366 12-05-2011
L8106_16949 homologs family Cy51472DRAFT_4412 ZP_08975615.1 Cyanothece sp. ATCC51472 PC 1 377 01-10-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family AplaP_010100015438 ZP_06383071.1 Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis Paraca PC 1 410 01-24-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family ACCM5_010100005086 ZP_09246638.1 Acaryochloris sp. CCMEE5410 APC only 395 01-24-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family CWATWH0003_1645 EHJ13671.1 Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 PC+PEI 377 02-22-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family MICAI_840009 ZP_10230413.1 Microcystis sp. T1-4 PC+PEI 2 396 08-22-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family MICAG_840013 CCI29493.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC9808 PC 1 396 08-22-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family MICAB_5340001 CCH98773.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC9717 PC 1 396 08-23-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family MICAK_1050005 CCI34771.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC9701 PC 1 396 08-23-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family MICAC_4580012 CCI03406.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC9443 PC 1 396 08-23-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family MICAD_840005 CCI09780.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7941 PC 1 396 08-23-2012
L8106_16949 homologs family Nos7524_4345 YP_007077701.1 Nostoc sp. PCC7524 PC+PEC 395 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Syn7509DRAFT_00026430 ZP_21040968.1 Synechocystis sp. PCC7509 PC 429 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family ZP_20933301 ZP_20933301.1 Microcystis aeruginosa TAIHU98 PC 1 396 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Ple7327_1571 YP_007080500.1 Pleurocapsa sp. PCC7327 PC+PEI 417 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Osc7112_1244 YP_007114204.1 Oscillatoria nigro-viridis PCC7112 PC+PEI 2 438 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Riv7116_0550 YP_007053692.1 Rivularia sp. PCC7116 PC+PEC 401 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Chro_3567 YP_007092891.1 Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC7203 PC+PEC 464 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Mic7113_0135 YP_007119479.1 Microcoleus sp. PCC7113 PC+PEI 2 434 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Glo7428_1959 YP_007127666.1 Gloeocapsa sp. PCC7428 PC 435 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Lepto7376_4351 YP_007073293.1 Leptolyngbya sp. PCC7376 PC+PEI 389 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Pse7367_2344 YP_007103033.1 Pseudanabaena sp. PCC7367 PC+PEI 423 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Xen7305DRAFT_00042220 ZP_21054004.1 Xenococcus sp. PCC7305 PC+PEI 412 04-24-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family MICCA_3420010 ZP_18818233.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC9432 PC 1 396 04-29-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Cal7507_2105 YP_007065381.1 Calothrix sp. PCC7507 PC+PEC 433 04-29-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Nos7107_2254 YP_007050016.1 Nostoc sp. PCC7107 PC+PEC 396 04-29-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Oscil6304_0495 YP_007084161.1 Oscillatoria acuminata PCC6304 (SAG 1449-3) PC 482 04-29-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Cri9333_2973 YP_007143322.1 Crinalium epipsammum PCC9333 PC 429 04-29-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Cha6605_0750 YP_007095548.1 Chamaesiphon minutus PCC6605 PC+PEI 451 04-29-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family LepboDRAFT_3472 Leptolyngbya boryana PCC6306 PC 425 06-11-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Fis9431DRAFT_4372 Fischerella sp. PCC9431 PC+PEC 364 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family FIS9605DRAFT_00990 Fischerella sp. PCC9605 PC+PEC 417 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family FisPCC73103_4572 Fischerella muscicola PCC73103 (SAG 1427-1) PC+PEC 364 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Scytonema_PCC7110_joined_8104 Scytonema hofmanni PCC7110 PC+PEC 429 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Osc10802DRAFT_0992 Oscillatoria sp. PCC10802 PC+PEI 437 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family PCC9339DRAFT_01500 Fischerella sp. PCC9339 PC+PEC 364 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Chloroglopsis_PCC9212_joined_5948 Chlorogloeopsis sp. PCC9212 PC+PEC 432 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family UYC_03057 Chlorogloeopsis fritschii PCC6912 PC+PEC 432 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family FisPCC7414_5095 Fischerella muscicola PCC7414 PC+PEC 404 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family Fischerella_sp._PCC7521_613 Fischerella thermalis PCC7521 PC+PEC 404 06-12-2013

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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