
E/F subclan 1 - Phycobilin lyases-isomerases


This group gathers PecE/F, a PCB lyase isomerase found only in PEC-containing strains (Zhao et al., 2000, 2002, 2005; Storf et al., 2001) and RpcG, a fusion PEB lyase-isomerase found only in some PEII-containing marine strains (Synechococcus and Crocosphaera; Blot et al. 2009). In vitro, both PecE/F and RpcG can bind PCB and PEB on alpha-84 PC or PEI (Blot et al., 2009).


  • Blot et al., 2009. Phycourobilin in Trichromatic Phycocyanin from Oceanic Cyanobacteria Is Formed Post-translationally by a Phycoerythrobilin Lyase-Isomerase J Biol Chem, 284, 9290-9298.
  • Storf et al., 2001. Chromophore attachment to biliproteins: specificity of PecE/PecF, a lyase-isomerase for the photoactive 3(1)-cys-alpha 84-phycoviolobilin chromophore of phycoerythrocyanin Biochemistry, 40, 12444-12456.
  • Zhao et al., 2000. Novel activity of a phycobiliprotein lyase: both the attachment of phycocyanobilin and the isomerization to phycoviolobilin are catalyzed by the proteins PecE and PecF encoded by the phycoerythrocyanin operon FEBS Lett, 469, sept-13.
  • Zhao et al., 2002. Characterization of phycoviolobilin phycoerythrocyanin-alpha 84-cystein-lyase-(isomerizing) from Mastigocladus laminosus Eur J Biochem, 269, 4542-4550.
  • Zhao et al., 2005. Amino acid residues associated with enzymatic activities of the isomerizing phycoviolobilin-lyase PecE/F Biochemistry, 44, 8126-8137.

Showing only sure genes

Gene Locus tag Genbank Species Strain PBP in rods Pigment type Remark Length Last change
PecE family alr0526 NP_484570.1 Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. PCC7120 PC+PEC 253 09-26-2011
PecE family Ava_2928 YP_323434.1 Anabaena variabilis ATCC29413 (PCC7937) PC+PEC 253 09-27-2011
PecE family Aazo_0294 YP_003720002.1 Anabaena (Nostoc) azollae 0708 PC+PEC 261 09-26-2011
PecE family FJSC11DRAFT_0798 ZP_08984592.1 Fischerella sp. (Mastigocladus laminosus) JSC-11 PC+PEC 257 11-04-2011
PecE family MC7420_3694 ZP_05028438.1 Microcoleus chthonoplastes PCC7420 PC+PEC 260 09-26-2011
PecE family Nos7524_4171 YP_007077534.1 Nostoc sp. PCC7524 PC+PEC 258 04-23-2013
PecE family Cylst_0749 YP_007145756.1 Cylindrospermum stagnale PCC7417 PC+PEC 257 04-23-2013
PecE family Anacy_2030 YP_007156420.1 Anabaena cylindrica PCC7122 PC+PEC 260 04-23-2013
PecE family Chro_3404 YP_007092732.1 Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC7203 PC+PEC 254 04-23-2013
PecE family Nos7107_3148 YP_007050888.1 Nostoc sp. PCC7107 PC+PEC 256 04-29-2013
PecE family Cal7507_3697 YP_007066922.1 Calothrix sp. PCC7507 PC+PEC 257 04-29-2013
PecE family Lep6406DRAFT_00020410 ZP_21046698.1 Leptolyngbya sp. PCC6406 PC+PEC 260 04-29-2013
PecE family Fis9431DRAFT_3464 Fischerella sp. PCC9431 PC+PEC 256 06-12-2013
PecE family FIS9605DRAFT_06536 Fischerella sp. PCC9605 PC+PEC 257 06-12-2013
PecE family FisPCC73103_3447 Fischerella muscicola PCC73103 (SAG 1427-1) PC+PEC 256 06-12-2013
PecE family Scytonema_PCC7110_joined_1626 Scytonema hofmanni PCC7110 PC+PEC 258 06-12-2013
PecE family PCC9339DRAFT_01814 Fischerella sp. PCC9339 PC+PEC 256 06-12-2013
PecE family Ana7108_3406 Anabaena sp. PCC7108 PC+PEC 260 06-12-2013
PecE family UYC_06443 Chlorogloeopsis fritschii PCC6912 PC+PEC 273 06-12-2013
PecE family FisPCC7414_3837 Fischerella muscicola PCC7414 PC+PEC N-term shortened (35 aa) 257 07-02-2013
PecE family Chloroglopsis_PCC9212_joined_2978 Chlorogloeopsis sp. PCC9212 PC+PEC 273 06-12-2013
PecE family Fischerella_sp._PCC7521_715 Fischerella thermalis PCC7521 PC+PEC 257 06-12-2013
PecE family Riv7116_3567 Rivularia sp. PCC7116 PC+PEC Wrongly marked as pseudo gene in refseq 256 06-20-2013
PecF family alr0527 NP_484571.1 Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. PCC7120 PC+PEC 173 09-26-2011
PecF family Ava_2929 YP_323435.1 Anabaena variabilis ATCC29413 (PCC7937) PC+PEC 213 09-27-2011
PecF family FJSC11DRAFT_0797 ZP_08984591.1 Fischerella sp. (Mastigocladus laminosus) JSC-11 PC+PEC 209 11-04-2011
PecF family MC7420_3606 ZP_05028350.1 Microcoleus chthonoplastes PCC7420 PC+PEC 202 09-26-2011
PecF family Cylst_0750 YP_007145757.1 Cylindrospermum stagnale PCC7417 PC+PEC 215 04-23-2013
PecF family Anacy_2029 YP_007156419.1 Anabaena cylindrica PCC7122 PC+PEC 172 04-23-2013
PecF family Nos7524_4172 YP_007077535.1 Nostoc sp. PCC7524 PC+PEC 199 04-23-2013
PecF family Chro_3405 YP_007092733.1 Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC7203 PC+PEC 208 04-23-2013
PecF family Riv7116_3566 YP_007056565.1 Rivularia sp. PCC7116 PC+PEC 174 04-23-2013
PecF family Nos7107_3147 YP_007050887.1 Nostoc sp. PCC7107 PC+PEC 208 04-29-2013
PecF family Cal7507_3698 YP_007066923.1 Calothrix sp. PCC7507 PC+PEC 212 04-29-2013
PecF family Lep6406DRAFT_00020400 ZP_21046697.1 Leptolyngbya sp. PCC6406 PC+PEC 202 04-29-2013
PecF family Fis9431DRAFT_3463 Fischerella sp. PCC9431 PC+PEC 210 06-12-2013
PecF family FIS9605DRAFT_06537 Fischerella sp. PCC9605 PC+PEC 210 06-12-2013
PecF family FisPCC73103_3446 Fischerella muscicola PCC73103 (SAG 1427-1) PC+PEC 210 06-12-2013
PecF family Scytonema_PCC7110_joined_1627 Scytonema hofmanni PCC7110 PC+PEC 170 06-12-2013
PecF family PCC9339DRAFT_01813 Fischerella sp. PCC9339 PC+PEC 210 06-12-2013
PecF family Ana7108_3405 Anabaena sp. PCC7108 PC+PEC 151 06-12-2013
PecF family Chloroglopsis_PCC9212_joined_2976 Chlorogloeopsis sp. PCC9212 PC+PEC 209 06-12-2013
PecF family UYC_06441 Chlorogloeopsis fritschii PCC6912 PC+PEC 209 06-12-2013
PecF family FisPCC7414_3836 Fischerella muscicola PCC7414 PC+PEC 209 06-12-2013
PecF family Fischerella_sp._PCC7521_716 Fischerella thermalis PCC7521 PC+PEC 209 06-12-2013
RpcG family Syncc9605_0418 YP_380749.1 Synechococcus sp. CC9605 PC+PEI+PEII 3c 492 09-26-2011
RpcG family SYNW2025 NP_898116.1 Synechococcus sp. WH8102 PC+PEI+PEII 3c 466 09-26-2011
RpcG family BL107_08866 ZP_01469876.1 Synechococcus sp. BL107 PC+PEI+PEII 3dA/CA4-A 459 09-26-2011
RpcG family RS9916_40131 ZP_01473069.1 Synechococcus sp. RS9916 PC+PEI+PEII 3dA/CA4-A 467 09-26-2011
RpcG family CwatDRAFT_0661 ZP_00518422.1 Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 PC+PEI Although this genome also contains rpcE/F genes, WH8501 has been shown that alpha-PC attaches a PUB (Swanson et al. 1991). So the role of rpcE/F genes is unclear. 473 08-30-2012

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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