
WH8102 strain Model strain


  • Prokarya
    • Cyanobacteria
      • Chroococcales
        • Synechococcus
          • sp.

Strain information

Subcluster: 5.1

Clade/Ecotype: III

Subclade: IIIa

Phycobiliprotein types: PC+PEI+PEII

Pigment type: 3c

Habitat: marine

Remark: Strain in which RpcG has been characterized (Blot et al., 2009)

Genome sequence

Refseq record: NC_005070

Genome status: complete

Sequencing center: JGI


  • Blot et al., 2009. Phycourobilin in Trichromatic Phycocyanin from Oceanic Cyanobacteria Is Formed Post-translationally by a Phycoerythrobilin Lyase-Isomerase J Biol Chem, 284, 9290-9298.
  • Palenik et al., 2003. The genome of a motile marine Synechococcus Nature, 424, 1037-1042.
  • Six et al., 2007. Diversity and evolution of phycobilisomes in marine Synechococcus spp.: a comparative genomics study Genome Biol, 8, R259.

Gene Locus tag Genbank Remark Length Last change
CpcS-II subfamily SYNW0315 NP_896410.1 198 09-26-2011
CpeT family SYNW2003 NP_898094.1 204 09-26-2011
CpeS-II subfamily SYNW2002 NP_898093.1 180 09-26-2011
CpeU-II subfamily SYNW2019 NP_898110.1 204 11-25-2011
CpeY family SYNW2013 NP_898104.1 441 09-26-2011
CpeZ family SYNW2012 NP_898103.1 206 09-26-2011
MpeU family SYNW2011 NP_898102.1 301 10-25-2011
MpeQ family SYNW2007 NP_898098.1 398 04-20-2023
RpcG family SYNW2025 NP_898116.1 466 09-26-2011
RpcT family SYNW2024 NP_898115.1 197 09-26-2011
IaiH family SYNW0621 NP_896714.1 269 10-26-2011
CotB homologs 1 family SYNW0139 NP_896234.1 205 09-26-2011
CpcU-II subfamily SYNW1611 NP_897704.1 154 11-04-2011

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

Biogenouest Station biologique de Roscoff ANR

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