
PCC73103 strain

Also known as: SAG 1427-1


  • Prokarya
    • Cyanobacteria
      • Stigonematales
        • Fischerella
          • muscicola

Strain information

Phycobiliprotein types: PC+PEC

Habitat: Soil, rice field

Remark: Not available in refseq yet
Bioproject: PRJNA104965
Data available at:

Genome sequence

Genome status: contigs

Sequencing center: Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf


  • Dagan et al., 2013. Genomes of Stigonematalean cyanobacteria (subsection V) and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis from prokaryotes to plastids Genome Biol Evol, 5, 31-44.

Gene Locus tag Genbank Remark Length Last change
CpcS-III subfamily FisPCC73103_3408 187 06-12-2013
CpcV family FisPCC73103_2832 178 06-12-2013
CpcT family FisPCC73103_5898 196 06-12-2013
CpcE-I subfamily FisPCC73103_3439 276 06-12-2013
CpcF-I subfamily FisPCC73103_3438 212 06-12-2013
PecE family FisPCC73103_3447 256 06-12-2013
PecF family FisPCC73103_3446 210 06-12-2013
IaiH family FisPCC73103_2012 252 06-12-2013
NblB family FisPCC73103_7578 221 06-12-2013
T homologs family FisPCC73103_1901 198 06-12-2013
L8106_16949 homologs family FisPCC73103_4572 364 06-12-2013
L8106_22089 homologs family FisPCC73103_2341 297 06-12-2013
CotB homologs 2 family FisPCC73103_3407 226 06-12-2013

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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