
E/F clan: subclan 1


All members of E/F subclan 1 form heteroduplexes or are fusion proteins (RpcG).


Phyre2 found the following protein folds for this family:

Showing only unsure genes

Gene Locus tag Genbank Species Strain PBP in rods Pigment type Remark Length Last change
CpcE/RpcE family WH7805_06756 ZP_01123351.1 Synechococcus sp. WH7805 PC+PEI 2 The R-PC-III present in this strain has a PCB:PEB ratio of 2:1 (Sidler, 1994). It is unclear whether WH7805 has CpcE/F or RpcE/F but the presence of CpcT (and not RpcT) however argues for the following pigmentation: alpha-84=PEB; beta-84=PCB; beta-155=PCB. 265 09-19-2012
CpcE/RpcE family SynRCC307_2066 YP_001228322.1 Synechococcus sp. RCC307 PC+PEI+PEII 3eA Unclear whether this strain has CpcE/F or RpcE/F 274 12-06-2011
CpcE/RpcE family S7335_2363 ZP_05035931.1 Synechococcus sp. PCC7335 PC+PEI CA3 CpcEII or RpcE 274 12-06-2011
CpcE-I subfamily N9414_13270 ZP_01632751.1 Nodularia spumigena CCY9414 PC 1 Sequence incomplete: lacks C-term (end of contig) 158 01-10-2012
CpcE-I subfamily CYB_2736 YP_478924.1 Synechococcus sp. JA-2-3B'a(2-13) PC 1 This is a second copy of cpcE (cpcE-2) NOT associated with a cpcF 276 12-06-2011
CpcE-I subfamily CYA_2040 YP_475443.1 Synechococcus sp. JA-3-3Ab PC 1 This is a second copy of cpcE (cpcE-2) NOT associated with a cpcF 275 12-06-2011
CpcE-I subfamily CMJ043C Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D PC 1 Distantly related to cyanobacterial CpcE : many insertions in matching sequences and much longer N-term, found by tblastn 516 02-21-2012
CpcE-I subfamily CWATWH0003_3128t1 EHJ12159.1 Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003 PC+PEI Incomplete (end of contig) 212 02-22-2012
CpcE-I subfamily Pse7367_3924 YP_007083576.1 Pseudanabaena sp. PCC7367 PC+PEI 2 copies? 303 06-20-2013
CpcE-I subfamily ZP_18907676 ZP_18907676.1 Leptolyngbya sp. PCC7375 PC+PEI 2 Low protomatch score 279 06-20-2013
CpcE-I subfamily Pse7367_2387 YP_007103076.1 Pseudanabaena sp. PCC7367 PC+PEI 2 copies? 273 06-20-2013
CpcF/RpcF family WH7805_06761 ZP_01123352.1 Synechococcus sp. WH7805 PC+PEI 2 Unclear whether this strain has CpcE/F or RpcE/F. Two possibilities:
a-84 and b-84 = PCB; b-155 = PEB
a-84 = PEB,b-84 and b-155 = PCB
212 12-06-2011
CpcF/RpcF family SynRCC307_2067 YP_001228323.1 Synechococcus sp. RCC307 PC+PEI+PEII 3eA Unclear whether this strain has CpcE/F or RpcE/F 218 12-06-2011
CpcF/RpcF family S7335_4405 ZP_05037964.1 Synechococcus sp. PCC7335 PC+PEI CA3 CpcFII or RpcF 225 12-06-2011
CpcF-I subfamily CMJ044C Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D PC 1 found by tblastn 312 02-21-2012
PecF family Aazo_0293 YP_003720001.1 Anabaena (Nostoc) azollae 0708 PC+PEC Sequence with an N-term shorter than others (seemingly lacks about 22 otherwise conserved aa) but no obvious problem in genome sequence. The missing N-term contains 3 or 4 His in other strains. 151 08-28-2012

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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