CpeU-I subfamily
includes PE-containing cyanobacteria other than marine Synechococcus. Most sequences have multiple possible start codons. In Fremyella diplosiphon a ΔcpeU mutant had a similar phenotype to WT including similar peak profiles with slight decreases in PE levels in the mutant (Adhikari 2015).
A motif characterising this family is available.
Showing only sure genes
Gene | Locus tag | Genbank | Species | Strain | PBP in rods | Pigment type | Remark | Length | Last change |
CpeU-I subfamily | S7335_5494 | ZP_05039049.1 | Synechococcus sp. | PCC7335 | PC+PEI | CA3 | 185 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | PCC7424_5736 | YP_002381031.1 | Cyanothece sp. | PCC7424 | PC+PEI | 2 | 197 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | PCC8801_4521 | YP_002364799.1 | Cyanothece sp. | PCC8801 | PC+PEI | 2 | 194 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Cyan7822_4040 | YP_003889240.1 | Cyanothece sp. | PCC7822 | PC+PEI | 2 | 196 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | glr1259 | NP_924205.1 | Gloeobacter violaceus | PCC7421 | PC+PEI | 2 | 197 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | GL6909_3539 | Gloeothece sp. | PCC6909/1 | PC+PEI | 2 | 190 | 11-25-2011 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Npun_R0731 | YP_001864426.1 | Nostoc punctiforme | ATCC29133 (PCC73102) | PC+PEI | 2 | 191 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Tery_4111 | YP_723592.1 | Trichodesmium erythraeum | IMS101 | PC+PEI | 193 | 11-25-2011 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | LYNGBM3L_55920 | ZP_08427738.1 | Lyngbya majuscula | 3L | PC+PEI | 2 | 197 | 11-25-2011 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | AAQ63051 | AAQ63051.1 | Fremyella diplosiphon (Tolypothrix sp. / Calothrix sp.) | Fd33 (UTEX481/PCC7601) | PC+PEI | CA3 | orf2 in pebAB operon. N-term shortened (14 aa removed: MKCEVSSHFIRGAV) | 195 | 09-16-2012 |
CpeU-I subfamily | MICAI_380008 | ZP_10229445.1 | Microcystis sp. | T1-4 | PC+PEI | 2 | 196 | 08-22-2012 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Ple7327_2703 | YP_007081540.1 | Pleurocapsa sp. | PCC7327 | PC+PEI | 176 | 04-22-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | GLO73106DRAFT_00035880 | ZP_21049296.1 | Gloeocapsa sp. | PCC73106 | PC+PEI | 181 | 04-24-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Ple7327_1060 | YP_007080032.1 | Pleurocapsa sp. | PCC7327 | PC+PEI | 195 | 04-24-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Mic7113_4742 | YP_007123821.1 | Microcoleus sp. | PCC7113 | PC+PEI | 2 | 204 | 04-24-2013 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Lepto7376_3000 | YP_007072075.1 | Leptolyngbya sp. | PCC7376 | PC+PEI | 191 | 04-24-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | ZP_18907671 | ZP_18907671.1 | Leptolyngbya sp. | PCC7375 | PC+PEI | 2 | 196 | 04-24-2013 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Cha6605_4060 | YP_007098543.1 | Chamaesiphon minutus | PCC6605 | PC+PEI | 186 | 04-29-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Sta7437_0247 | YP_007130830.1 | Stanieria cyanosphaera | PCC7437 | PC+PEI | 187 | 04-29-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Cal6303_1003 | YP_007136040.1 | Calothrix sp. | PCC6303 | PC+PEI | 2 | 202 | 04-29-2013 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Xen7305DRAFT_00018880 | ZP_21056337.1 | Xenococcus sp. | PCC7305 | PC+PEI | 187 | 04-29-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Osc7112_1019 | YP_007113993.1 | Oscillatoria nigro-viridis | PCC7112 | PC+PEI | 2 | 196 | 04-29-2013 | |
CpeU-I subfamily | Pse7367_3939 | YP_007083590.1 | Pseudanabaena sp. | PCC7367 | PC+PEI | 197 | 04-29-2013 | ||
CpeU-I subfamily | Osc10802DRAFT_3769 | Oscillatoria sp. | PCC10802 | PC+PEI | 198 | 06-12-2013 |
Model strains, Marine strains
Last update: 20 Apr 2023 15:33:59