
L8106_22089 homologs family


Homologs of the L8106_22089 protein in CCY9616.
Some similarity with CpeZ and iaiH.

Showing only unsure genes

Gene Locus tag Genbank Species Strain PBP in rods Pigment type Remark Length Last change
L8106_22089 homologs family IPF_5551 CAO86824.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 PC 1 Incomplete sequence. Another chunk is in IPF_6118 (CAO87604.1) 325 01-10-2012
L8106_22089 homologs family CwatDRAFT_0171 ZP_00519405.1 Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 PC+PEI split between 3 different contigs: ZP_00517336.1 (CwatDRAFT_2581), ZP_00513741.1 (CwatDRAFT_6637) and ZP_00519405.1 (CwatDRAFT_0171) 107 08-29-2012
L8106_22089 homologs family IPF_6118 CAO87604.1 Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 PC 1 Shorter than other L8106_22089 homologs 251 04-24-2013

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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