L8106_11777 homologs family
Homologs of the L8106_11777 protein in CCY9616. Some similarity with CpeF and MpeU.
A motif characterising this family is available.
Showing only unsure genes
Gene | Locus tag | Genbank | Species | Strain | PBP in rods | Pigment type | Remark | Length | Last change |
L8106_11777 homologs family | AplaP_010100002137 | ZP_06380464.1 | Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis | Paraca | PC | 1 | Incomplete n-term (end of contig). Almost identical to homologs in other Arthrospira species. | 179 | 08-27-2012 |
Model strains, Marine strains
Last update: 06 Nov 2012 16:31:21