
RpcE subfamily


Likely forms a heterodimer with RpcF. The activity of the RpcE/F complex was not formerly characterized but it is thought to attach a PEB at Cys-84 of alpha-PC-II in most PE-containing marine Synechococcus spp. RpcE and RpcF are closely related to CpcE and CpcF, respectively.


  • Six et al., 2007. Diversity and evolution of phycobilisomes in marine Synechococcus spp.: a comparative genomics study Genome Biol, 8, R259.
  • Wilbanks et al., 1993. Rod structure of a phycoerythrin II-containing phycobilisome. I. Organization and sequence of the gene cluster encoding the major phycobiliprotein rod components in the genome of marine Synechococcus sp. WH8020 J Biol Chem, 268, 1226-1235.

Showing only unsure genes

Gene Locus tag Genbank Species Strain PBP in rods Pigment type Remark Length Last change

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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