
MpeX family


MpeX is a yet uncharacterized member of the CpeF-MpeU-V-X superfamily found in low light-adapted Prochlorococcus strains, such as P. marinus strain SS120/CCMP1375 (Hess et al. 1999, Wiethaus et al. 2010b, Carrigee et al. 2021). Its predicted function is to bind a PEB or PUB at Cys-50,61 of beta-PEIII, but most likely a PUB given that the PUB:PEB ratio of PEIII is 3:1 (Steglich et al. 2003).


  • Carrigee et al., 2021. MpeV is a lyase isomerase that ligates a doubly linked phycourobilin on the β-subunit of phycoerythrin I and II in marine Synechococcus J Biol Chem, 296, 100031.
  • Hess et al., 1999. Phycoerythrins of the oxyphotobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus are associated to the thylakoid membrane and are encoded by a single large gene cluster Plant Molecular Biology, 40, 507-521.
  • Wiethaus et al., 2010. Phycobiliproteins in Prochlorococcus marinus: Biosynthesis of pigments and their assembly into proteins Eur J Cell Biol, 89, 1005-1010.

Showing only unsure genes

Gene Locus tag Genbank Species Strain PBP in rods Pigment type Remark Length Last change

Model strain Model strains, Marine strains

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