CotB family
Described in Balabas et al. (2003) as being involved in the activation of green light-induced genes during complementary chromatic adaptation, but given its presence in strains with a variety of pigmentation, it most likely has another yet-to-be determined function.
A motif characterising this family is available.
- Balabas et al., 2003. CotB is essential for complete activation of green light-induced genes during complementary chromatic adaptation in Fremyella diplosiphon Mol Microbiol, 50, 781-793.
Showing only unsure genes
Gene | Locus tag | Genbank | Species | Strain | PBP in rods | Pigment type | Remark | Length | Last change |
Model strains, Marine strains
Last update: 29 Aug 2012 18:37:40